The Bayreuth P&CS program stands out for its truly interdisciplinary approach to teaching and research. We are a closely knit group of committed academic and administrative staff who take our educational tasks seriously. This is what gives us our special character and one that is hardly found elsewhere.
Find out about the involved departments and get to know the P&CS team.
Multiple Departments, One Program
The involved departments may be located in different faculties, but the P&CS Program is run as joint endeavor. What is significant about P&CS in Bayreuth is that it is a growing enterprise.
Learn more on the departmental websites:
Head of Program

Prof. Dr. Lena Kästner (Philosophy)
Professor for Philosophy, Computer Science, and Artificial Intelligence
Research foci:
- explainable AI
- explanations
- causation
- extended mind
The P&CS Team

Prof. Dr. Cristina Borgoni (Philosophy)
Chair for Epistemology
Research foci:
- knowledge
- communication
- mental fragmentation and implicit biases
- self-knowledge and first-person authority
- philosophy of cognitive diversity

Prof. Dr. Daniel Buschek (Computer Science)
Professor of Mobile Intelligent User Interfaces
Research foci:
- human-computer interaction
- computational interaction
- interactive NLP
- user interfaces

Prof Dr. Aldo Faisal (Faculty of Life Sciences)
Chair for Digital Health
Research foci:
- AI for healthcare
- reinforcement learning
- neurotechnology
- computational neuroscience
- behavior analytics

Prof. Dr. Agnes Koschmider (Business & Information Systems Engineering)
Chair for Business & Information Systems Engineering and Process Analytics
Research foci:
- process mining
- business process management
- event log analysis
- privacy
- behavior modeling

Prof. Dr. Niklas Kühl (Business & Information Systems Engineering)
Chair for Information Systems and Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence
Research foci:
- artificial intelligence
- human-AI-teams
- fairness in machine learning
- appropriate reliance

Prof. Dr. Karolina Milewicz (Philosophy)
Chair of Global Political Economy
Research foci:
- international cooperation
- multilateralism
- treaty making
- preferential trade
- dispute settlement

Prof. Dr. Anna Maria Oberländer (Business & Information Systems Engineering)
Professor of Information Systems and Digital Transformation
Research foci:
- digital transformation
- digital innovation
- internet of things
- industrial IoT
- industry 4.0

Prof. Dr. Olivier Roy (Philosophy)
Chair of Philosophy I
Research foci:
- rationality in strategic interaction
- learning and belief revision in social networks
- structure and justification of norms
- the philosophy of shared agency

Prof. Dr. Mirco Schönfeld (Faculty of Languages and Literature)
Chair for Data Modelling and Interdisciplinary Knowledge Generation
Research foci:
- data modeling
- network analysis
- social networks
- machine learning
- context awareness

Prof Dr. Johanna Thoma (Philosophy)
Chair of Ethics
Research foci:
- philosophy of public policy
- decision and game theory
- philosophy of economics
- practical rationality
- values in science

Prof. Dr. Gabriel Wollner (Philosophy)
Chair of Social and Political Philosophy
Research foci:
- social philosophy
- political philosophy
- ethics
- philosophy of action
- marx and marxism